Answered By: Robert Fitzpatrick
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2021     Views: 77


Finding Journals in the library


If you want to find a specific journal or magazine, search for it in the catalog. When you click on a journal in the search results, you can see the format (paper or microfilm) and the date range we own. (Ask for assistance at the Reference Desk at 535-2455 or the Information Desk at 535-2929.)

Finding Journals Online

Lamson Library pays a good chunk of money every year for online databases. These databases are full of journal articles you can't find on the free Web.

Search the Journal List (click on the Journal tab) for the title of a journal or regular magazine.  This search will tell you 3 things:

  • Are the articles from the journal available in full text electronically from any database we subscribe to?
  • Does Lamson Library have a separate online subscription to the journal?
  • Does Lamson Library own any physical copies of the journal?

If we try a sample search for Journal of Athletic Training, your results screen will look like this:

Journal of Athletic Training - list result

You can click on the Academic Search Premier link to find full text articles from any issue of this journal.

You can click on the Lamson Library link to find what physical copies are in the library.

Remember, if you have any problems, ask for help at the Reference Desk.