For most items: call numbers starting with A through L are located on the lower level*. Call numbers M through Z are on the upper level. These are Library of Congress call numbers.
Audio-visual materials (DVDs, CDs, etc.) are on the lower level.
Children's literature is located on the lower level. Children's literature is organized by the Dewey Decimal System.
Curriculum section is on the lower level. It has its own numbering system.
New Books and Browsing are near the main entrance on the main level.
Periodicals (journals and magazines) are located on the main level.
Reference (REF) books are on the main level.
Oversized (OVER) books are on the upper level.
Special Collections and Music scores are also on the upper level.
If you can't find a book on the shelf, please ask a librarian at the reference desk.
This short video explains how to decipher the library of congress call number system.
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