Answered By: Michael Davidson
Last Updated: Jul 31, 2015     Views: 105

Thank you for your question.  Some databases contain full text while others provide only abstracts or indexes (just information about the articles).  If you tell us about your research topic, we will help you get articles in full text.

Here is some advice that will help you get full text on your own:

Limiting Results to Full Text

Most databases will let you narrow your search results down to full text only.

For example, full text limiting in EBSCOhost databases:


Figure 1. Left sidebar in EBSCOhost databases


In JSTOR, the wording is different, but it means the same:

Figure 2. Limiting results to full text in JSTOR 

Other databases have the same limiting ability, but will appear slightly different.  Please ask us if you run into trouble.


Using InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

If you need to obtain an article that is not available in full text, you can use InterLibrary Loan (ILL).  An article requested through ILL will be emailed to you within a couple of days. 


Placing an ILL Request

Step 1) Click the icon circled below.  The words "Get It" or "Get this Article" usually appear with the icon (example below from EBSCOhost).


Step 2) If the article is only available via ILL, the "Request this Item..." link will appear.



Step 3) First-time users of ILL will be asked to enter some information to help us contact you about your ILL requests.


Step 4) The request form will be filled in with the information about the article.  Review the info, then scroll to the bottom and submit the request.

Remember, please ask us if you have any further questions!