You didn't mention which course or what subjects you need videos for, but we do have some DVDs available in the collection as well as a few very specialized video databases.
If everyone in the class is required to watch the same videos, you might ask your professor to place the videos on Reserve in the library so everyone will have access.
(We'd like to be able to stream videos, but the copyright law would require the purchase of performance rights, and that usually runs about $300 per title in addition to the cost of the video.)
These will be your easiest access to videos made available by the library:
The Catalog (Search and then limit to DVD)
Naxos Video Library (Classical Music)
Counseling and Therapy in Video
We'd also recommend looking at YouTube where, with some careful searching, you'll find many excellent educational videos.
If you'd like to recommend that the library consider acquiring a particular video, please contact the reference desk 603 535 2455.
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Select DVD from the left sidebar menu:
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