You can print from your own laptop or from one of the computers in Lamson Library to one of the seven printers available.
To print from your own laptop, use wireless printing through Print Nomad. The instructions to do this are on the ET&S knowledgebase here.
To print from a Lamson Library computer, click print and select a printer from the available list. You should only see printers that are in the library. The names of the printers based on the where they are on campus, so
"pub" means public, not in an office or part of a department
Building name: "lamson" for example
Room: "101" for example
Specific part of the room: "alcove" for example is the name of the computer cluster on the main floor of Lamson
Type of printer: "print" means black and white printer; "colorprint" means color printer.
publamsson201print is by the front elevator on the third floor
publamson101alcoveprint and publamson101alcovecolorprint are next to each other in the computer cluster on the main floor at the southeast corner of the building
publamsonreferenceprint is behind the Reference Desk on the main floor.
publamsonopenlabprint is in the large open space on the main floor at the west side of the building.
publamson001print is on the bottom floor at the east end of the aisle of computers
publamson030print is in on the bottom floor in room 030
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