Answered By: Anne Jung
Last Updated: Nov 12, 2014     Views: 44

Hi Anna,

Good news!  You don't have to drive to campus to get the issue.  It is availalbe full-text from our library website.  Follow these steps:

1. On the library website main page, select "Journal Titles" tab near the top of the screen.

2. Type in the name of the journal "Educational Leadership" and press enter.

3. A list will appear and your title will be the third one down.  Click on the hyperlink of the title.

4. A "publications detail" screen will appear.  Click on the blue year 2014.  Click to get Sept issue.

5. The contents of the journal wil be displayed.  All of the articles are available in PDF full text.

Let us know if you need additional help.

All best,

Anne Jung-Mathews