We have a better solution for you. As a graduate student, you are eligible to have books mailed to your home. This is true both for books that Lamson owns, and for books that we borrow from other libraries for you.
To request a book be mailed to you, go to the Inter-library Loan page and create an account. Make sure that you enter the address you would like your books mailed to, and in the "Preferred Loan Delivery Method" drop down menu, choose "Mail to Address." (If you already have an ILL account, you can click on "Change User Information" in the left sidebar to make sure that your settings and address are up to date.) Then click "Submit Information."
Next, click on "Book" under "New Request" in the left sidebar, and enter the information about the book you want. In the "Notes" field, it's a good idea to mention that you are a graduate student and would like the book mailed to you (just for extra insurance.) Then click "Submit Request."
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